David Alaba’s poor judgement rob Bayern of victory.

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In football a single game can make or break a star. David Alaba, the “wunderkind” of FC Bayern, did not live up to the hype about his talent in the game against Eintracht Frankfurt. Bayern despite leading in the early minutes of the game through Miroslav Klose, let victory slip away from their hands because of David Alaba.

Alaba let Eintracht Frankfurt score two decisive goals in the dying minutes of the game. The disaster for Alaba began in the 87 minutes when he gave a faulty back pass to FC Bayern keeper, Hans-Jörg Butt. Juvhel Tsoumou of Frankfurt quickly exploited the situation to score the equaliser. Two minutes later, Martin fenin, outclassed Alaba in the 18 yard box through body movement to score the decider.

FC Bayern players in show of solidarity with Alaba have not publicly criticized his woeful performance. Even Sport director, Christian Nerlinger, said “the chap is only 17!” However, Udo Lattek, Bundesliga veteran manager and analyst in his column believes that Alaba is too inexperienced. Louis van Gaal , manager of FC Bayern admitted, “i think in the game against Frankfurt, i made the substitution too late.”

Some analyst believe that Alaba’s best position is in the midfield. Diego Contento, who normally plays left full back was reserved. Edson Braafheid another left back alternative is on loan to Celtic Glasgow. Bayern have problems in defense.

It is too early to ascertain if Alaba’s inexperience was the sole reason for his lapses against Frankfurt. In the mean time, he has a lot of work to do in preparing both physically and mentally for the next game.