Schwarzwald stadium

Bundesliga Weekly vol.22: Schwarzwald stadium

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Schwarzwald stadium on the verge of extinction, Steffen Baumgart to lead Cologne next season and election for president in Stuttgart takes shape.

Schwarzwald stadium, home of SC Freiburg, has witnessed lots of memorable matches in the Bundesliga, Europe cup and FA cup.

If things go according to plan, Freiburg’s home game against Bayern Munich on May 15th could be the last in Schwarzwald stadium without spectators.

Because Freiburg is moving to a modern stadium with more capacity (35,000 spectators) and it costs 76 million Euro.

Schwarzwald stadium is the smallest in the Bundesliga, with a capacity of 24,000 spectators except for Union Berlin (22,012 spectators). Interestingly, the Freiburg pitch is almost five meters too short, and they used it with a special DFL permit for Bundesliga matches. Also, the pitch has a gradient leading to a difference in height between the two goals at almost a meter.

Freiburg is an integral team of the Bundesliga. Hopefully, the move to a new stadium will herald a new era in the annals of Freiburg.

Steffen Baumgart to lead Cologne in the new season

Cologne announced the successor of Friedhelm Funkel this week. Steffen Baumgart to lead Cologne in the new season. Baumgart has a contract until 2023 and league independent.

Sports managing director of Cologne, Horst Heldt, speaks of Baumgart as the right fit for Cologne, “he has done an outstanding job in Paderborn in recent years. He has proven that he can develop players no matter what age and make them better. That makes him the right man for the path we have to take in the next few years. In addition, he is an emotional leader who fits very well with FC.”

Baumgart looks forward to contribute his quota to the team, “I’m looking forward to my new challenge in Cologne, which I will tackle full of energy together with the entire club, the team and all the fans starting next season.”

Election for president in Stuttgart takes shape

Current Stuttgart president, Claus Vogt will contest the position against Pierre-Enric Steiger at a general meeting of members in July. The club advisory board has nominated both.

*Picture courtesy of SC Freiburg.