There has been intense speculation about the job of Klaus Allofs, as Sport director of Weder Bremen. According to Wolfsburger Allgemeine Zeitung, Allofs, is expected to be the new manager of VFL Wolfsburg from the winter season. Other German media carried the story too.
However, Allofs, told the German news agency,DPA,that “i do not have an offer from VFL Wolfsburg, there was no discussion and i do not have to concern myself with the topic.”
Allofs has been in charge of Weder Bremen since 1999 and he reported an operating minus of 13,9 million Euros for Weder Bremen recently. His job has been under criticism from top guns in Bremen like Willi Lemke.
The speculation will not go away any time soon. Bremen has to make a move to accept their long term manager or agree the inevitable message that Allofs is on his way out.